You deserve better.

You deserve better from me;
you deserve all the answers
but sweet human,
I'm still asking questions.
Bury me where no one else will go;
forget the sugar-coated regurgitation
about lavender love that shines like gold.
Everything you do will be hard
or will make you that way.
Redemption comes with how you choose
to present and overcome those things.
It is a tough world
that only hardens more with time
and you deserve the raw truth
about the things in this life
that are bound to hurt you.
We are but molecules.
A spirit confined by the walls of skin;
peasants in a king's game,
angels with a destiny before them
to sin, to sin, oh do we sin.
Even so, you deserve better from me.
I deserve better from you.
I am merely a soul journeying
until my clock ticks no more,
and god dammit i vow to give
shades of what this life really is
even if that means entering a war
with myself to speak only absolutes.

You deserve better from me as someone who decides to place their thoughts on paper. You deserve to know not just the good parts but the ones that make you hit your knees. You deserve more than cliff notes and cookie cutter reads. I vow to you now, beautiful ones, that i will speak about what hurts and breaks me; redemption in the eyes of the troubled, because when this world falls silent what do all of the labels really mean? It is a fine night in December and I have never felt more free..dancing on the graves of what is original to speak truth, hard truth, straight to humanity and the love carved by us.

0 love for me ..:

Behind the curtain..

My photo
I believe that it's the ordinary that is so distinguished. I am only an amateur who sees the mundane with a twist. Goes around putting titles on self-perceived moments as life goes on by...


“I can read women. But god damn you woman, you’re all over the place. If I could read you I’d be god” -David Flecha



I believe that it's the ordinary that is so distinguished. I am only an amateur who sees the mundane with a twist. Goes around putting titles on self-perceived moments as life goes on by...